Saturday, March 08, 2008

A Map for Saturday TV premiere

A week ago, as I wandered around the desert, some friends got together to watch the U.S. premiere of ‘A Map or Saturday’ and sent along some pics…

Mom and dad watched at my cousin Sheri’s house with some extended family

Friends in New York (who you may recognize from my welcome home party) got together at my friend Katie’s apartment.

And in Vancouver (a few days before) Canadian Kate got a group together as well.

The sign behind Kate was better than the T.V. listing on a lot of U.S. cable systems which called the show “A Map for Sunday” Ouch.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Thanks for stopping by...

If you've stumbled here because of A Map for Saturday, welcome to the Fifty Weeks blog which I kept throughout my year-long trip. Below, I've linked to some of my favorite posts from the blog, if you're feeling a bit more ambitious you can scan the Archives. For what's new, check out my current blog tracking my drive through Africa. A full run down of what I've been up to is at

Here are some highlights from my year away:
Valentines Day
The Scene on Ko Phi Phi
You Can't Find City Hall
The Fires of Varanasi
On the Nepal Side
The Bus to Pokhara
Trekking in Nepal
Moving on Up
When Friday Rested
Sleep in Fact
The Fifth Bite of Dessert
My First Mugging
Pure Brazil
Drink Cart Land
a Place on Earth