Friday, March 11, 2005

Goodbye New Zealand, hello Thailand

Leaving Christchurch in 12 hours for two-day layover in Sydney before the Asia leg. My time in New Zealand was eventful, memorable, not quite what I imagined. After four days of IV antibiotics I’ve been moved to oral drugs and the thumb is healing up while some pain lingers in my arm. Pictures below will illustrate the “dead, peeling skin” state of the shrinking thumb. (Grossest video to date: The nurse popping open the thumb and a tablespoon of puss gushing out).

Was sad to see Jason move up to Aukland to find work but have spent some fun nights (even though the drugs prevent me from drinking) with Tricia my roommate and Simon, Jason’s friend.

Big hostels like the one I’m in now are really just like college dorms except the rooms are co-ed. I’m currently in my best dorm room of the trip thus far; it’s me and five girls. Five very above-average girls. Two of them share a bed, but this is a family blog so I’ll leave it at that.

Hey, look, the thumb looks kind of better.

Been meaning to mention something for a while and following the last paragraph may be the best time to do it:

If you meet me out on my trip you should be prepared (and excited) to join my new lifestyle. I can’t afford $50/night on a room. I can’t afford eating out at restaurants. Unless you want to pay for both of us or do these things alone, you should be ready to cook stir-fry in the kitchen and share a bedroom with five strangers. I suggest this not just to save money but because it’s the only way to get on the good-time train I’ve been describing for the last couple months. That said, get your asses out here…two of them are sharing a bed for god’s sake.


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